QUICKLINKS -All our weekend links in one place!


Helping students connect with Jesus


Students, we care about you! We want to help you connect with Jesus and experience life with Him every day, everywhere, and with everyone. From our weekly large and small group gatherings to our big events, retreats, and trips, we win when students know God, grow in their faith, and go into their world with the hope of the gospel.


Text ELEVATE24 to 94000 for HSM text updates


Elevate is our weekly gathering for students in 9th - 12th grade. We meet most Wednesdays during the school year from 7:00-9:00pm. Elevate has a large group time with worship and teaching and a small group time where students connect with each other led by an adult leader. Elevate is a great place for students to connect with Jesus, join a community, and find care from a team of staff and volunteers.

Waiver Form


May 1st 7-9pm

Music. Games.

Activities. More.



DB24 is in the books! Thanks for a great weekend and a chance to spend time with you in Duluth. It was such a privilege to join those of you who attended an incredible weekend of main sessions, seminars, breakout groups, jumping around during worship, walking around Canal Park, and much more. The HSM team prays God moved in your heart on this trip and you continue to share what you learned with those around you. Until next year, that’s a wrap!

MARK YOUR CALENDARS! | DB25 Coming back - April 11-13th, 2025 | Duluth, MN

One of our desires within High School Ministries is to be a community that prays for one another. We have a dedicated student leadership team and staff that pray over these requests every week. If you are a high school student who would like prayer, please use the form below. 

Prayer Request

It's our vision at Constance Free Church that people with disabilities and their families would experience care, find community, and contribute toward helping connect with Jesus. If you have a student with a disability or special need, please connect with us.


Dan Mattson

Student Ministries Pastor

Julie Noraker

Ministry Admin