Crisis Response

Constance partners with EFCA's ReachGlobal Crisis Response to mobilize believers to serve those affected by crisis. When things like hurricanes, wildfires, and war bring devastation, Crisis Response works toward both physical and spiritual restoration and transformation as they serve and share the hope of Christ.

We have several site focuses for 2024:


When Russia invaded Ukraine in 2022, millions of people fled, leaving their homes and everything they knew behind. A large number of these refugees crossed the border into Poland seeking safety.

While people were flooding into the area, ReachGlobal’s ministry partners and local church leaders provided temporary housing for the Ukrainian refugees, sometimes living alongside them and ministering 24/7. Since then, Constance has sent several teams to provide reinforcements for this overwhelmed community. These teams were able to expedite the construction of homes, a garage for the church, and paint a coffee house used for ministry. Relationships were also built, and the potential for long-term ministry continues.

The ministry in Poland is providing jobs for some of the Ukrainian refugees through a coffee house and food truck ministry. The church in Poland needs help with expenses for some maintenance and repairs. Early in 2023, food was being provided weekly for up to 300 Ukrainian refugees and all expenses in the region have skyrocketed due to the war. Constance aims to raise over $16,000 towards further church repairs, a leaders camp, and VBS program in the year ahead. There are also two trips planned to work alongside the church there, offering $400 scholarships to interested participants.

Coffee house ministry in Poland.


The war in Ukraine has also had effects that have reached our own doorstep. Though we wish the circumstances that brought them here were different, we are honored by the Ukrainian, Georgian, Belarusian, and Russian refugees affected by the war in Ukraine who have chosen to connect with Constance. We want to be of service however God calls, here as well as abroad.

There are many opportunities for you to get involved and walk alongside local refugees families. If you’d like to learn more, fill out our Missions Interest Form.

Lake Charles, LA

Lake Charles, Louisiana is one of the active sites Constance has partnered with during the past 4 years. Hurricanes Laura and Delta made direct hits to the area only six weeks apart from each other during 2020. ReachGlobal came alongside Lake Charles Bible Church, helping organize the long-term rebuilding efforts and sending short-term teams to serve. It seemed like Lake Charles was on the mend when 16 inches of rain fell on May 17, 2021 and re-flooded much of the area.

Last year, God worked through Constance to send teams on trips to help rebuild homes and build encouraging relationships in Jesus’ Name. Lives are being changed both for trip participants as well as for those they were there to serve. Our 2023 trips, including one with High School Ministry, continued the restorative work that will inevitably be needed for some time. As part of our Global 2024 Fund, we plan on continuing to remove some of the financial barriers toward participation in short-term missions by providing $400 grants to anyone from Constance going on one of our Crisis Response or International trips in 2024. Check out our trip opportunities here.

Fort Myers, FL

In September of 2022, Hurricane Ian proved to be the most devastating hurricane to strike Florida in almost a century. Many lives were lost, and 97 percent of structures along the coast of Fort Myers became rubble. In cooperation with ReachGlobal's Crisis Response, Constance sent a team to help with rebuilding projects and whatever else might be helpful. Constance continues to maintain connections with Fort Myers partners and have another trip planned for Fall 2024 as well.

Your generosity to the Global 2024 Fund this year helped us fund this goal! Thank you to everyone who participated.