We are created to be in community with one another! In small groups we grow as Jesus followers, deepen relationships with one another, and are spurred on to love our neighbors in word and deed.
Each small group at Constance consists of 6-12 people who meet weekly in order to explore the Bible, experience community, and bless others. Groups meet in homes, at Constance, or in the community. Some groups form around a common affinity (men, women, and young adults, for example). Regardless of when, where, and who, small groups are a means by which we see spiritual transformation in our lives.
Spring Semester: March 30-May 24
Experiencing Groups at Constance begins with Rooted.
Rooted is a 10-week small group experience designed to connect you to God, the church community, and your purpose. Together, in a group of 10-15 people, you’ll explore the Bible, engage in prayer and serve experiences, share stories, and practice rhythms essential to a healthy spiritual life. Whether you are brand new to church, or have been following God for a long time, Rooted will exercise your faith and help you discover how your unique story fits into God’s epic story in human history.
Continue with Groups
Small Groups continue to meet beyond the Rooted experience. These groups are designed to equip you to practice the rhythms of a disciple as a community. Already been through Rooted and need help finding a new group? Let us help you search, join or start a group of your own.
Specialty Groups
SUNDAYS 10:30-11:30am
ABF meets weekly for Bible Study in the lower level of Constance, room 106. No registration needed.
Join a group that offers support and care for life’s challenges.
Support Groups include: GriefShare, DivorceCare, Village 127 (foster, adoptive, and waiting parents), and Alcololics Anonymous.
Visit our Care Ministries page for more information.
Yes. Rooted introduces group members to practices and experiences that are foundational to our small group strategy, so Rooted really serves as a "primer." Plus, the Rooted experience is valuable to Christians in all stages of their faith journey.
Rooted groups are primarily determined by availability - you register for a Rooted group based upon your desired evening of the week. In addition, we try to place people in groups based on common life stages or affinity.
Groups meet weekly in homes, at Constance, or in the community. Typically, a group meets for 1.5-2 hours to pray, study the Bible, and update one another about their life. Groups also participate in a serving experience at least once per semester.
From our SMALL GROUP FINDER and our START A GROUP options, we've got you covered to jump back into a Group.
Childcare is available for groups meeting Sunday and Tuesday evenings at Constance. On Tuesday evenings, childcare is available for children 2 years old and under, and children 3 years old to 5th grade, must register for Constance Kids Club.
For groups that meet outside of Constance, we leave it up to each family to work out their own childcare. Sometimes it works best for families to share a sitter or to swap childcare with another family whose group meets on a different evening.
For Group Leaders
Start a
Small Group
Individuals and couples who have completed Rooted can become leaders.
Group Plan
Share your meeting plan with our team
Leader Training
Explore opportunities to be equipped to lead
Explore Group Resources
Explore and order book studies for your group