Constance Missions
& Global Partnerships
GO on a Missions Trip with Constance!
God is with us every day, guiding us and giving us purpose no matter where we are. But sometimes, amazing things can happen when we step away from our own worries and fully engage with others, showing the love and care of Jesus. What could God do in your life if you stepped out in faith during 2025?
Lunch and Learn
April 13th @ Noon
Not sure what next step to take? Register for our Missions Lunch and Learn! You’ll learn more about upcoming short-term trip opportunities, our global partner initiatives for 2025, and other ways to get involved.
Join the 25 Day Prayer Challenge
Start Anytime!
Join to receive daily inspiration and prayer prompts about our global partnerships and missions for the next 25 days.
“This same Good News that came to you is going out all over the world. It is bearing fruit everywhere by changing lives, just as it changed your lives from the day you first heard and understood the truth about God’s wonderful grace.” - Colossians 1:6
GlobalFingerprints is the child sponsorship ministry of our denomination, the EFCA. They send children to school and help care for their physical, spiritual, and emotional needs. All of this happens in connection with the ministry of planting local churches around the world. Sponsorship can transform a child’s life and their family, but the second family that can be transformed is yours.
Sponsor a Child with GlobalFingerprints
Give to Global Fund 2025
Every $20 donated gives a pair of shoes and an outfit to a sponsored child in South Asia
Every $125 donated gives tools to sustain a graduate in Congo (Tabitha, FollowMe, & Elikya Centers)
Constance dedicated the month of January to bring awareness to our partnerships with global ministries, which serve in responding to crisis, providing humanitarian aid, sponsoring children, fighting human trafficking, and more - all to see local churches empower disciples who make disciples in their own native context around the world.
Here are the projects we are supporting in 2024:
$50,000 Partner Goal
Construction & beds for Tandala Hospital. Tools for 200 Elikya Center graduates and Bibles for Tabitha/FollowMe Centers.
South Asia
$3,600 Partner Goal
Provide 2 scooters for the church planters navigating to sponsored kids in GlobalFingerprints site areas.
$20,000 Partner Goal
Build 4 homes in GlobalFingerprints site areas.
$16,500 Partner Goal
Church repairs, Leaders' camp & VBS at the Evangelical Christian Church in Hrubieszów.
Discover Ways to Serve