Disabilities & Special Needs
It's our vision at Constance that people with disabilities and their families would experience care, find community, and contribute toward helping connect with Jesus. If you have a loved one with a disability or special need, please connect with us so we can create an environment that is successful for your individual. We would love for them to access and enjoy the ministries we have at Constance.
Access our complete Disabilities and Special Needs Questionnaire to let us know how we can best help you participate here at Constance.
Sunday Mornings
We would love to have you and your family join us for a weekend service. For children nursery-5th grade, you are invited to check your child into Constance Kids on any Sunday for our 9am or 10:45am service and fill out our RSVP form and note your child’s needs in the space provided. We welcome you to stay with your child and explore the class together, or you can enjoy a worship service knowing we will contact you if needed. You and your family are also welcome to watch the service together on one of the screens in areas outside the Auditorium with tables.
Wednesday Evenings
Middle School and High School students with disabilities and special needs are invited to participate on Wednesday nights. All students regardless of ability are required to fill out a waiver form each year in order to participate, and new students are welcome anytime throughout the school year.
Thinking of joining us on a Wednesday night? We'd love to make your experience as successful as possible. Fill out our interest form and we'll contact you with more information.
Disrupters Group
This adult group of individuals with disabilities typically meets on the 2nd Sunday evenings of the month to study God’s word, serve their community, and spending time with other individuals with disabilities. At Constance, we want to disrupt the common world view that people with disabilities are unable to live full and meaningful lives, to the Biblical view that everyone is an image bearer of God and can live a meaningful life as a follower of Christ.
"On the contrary, those parts of the body that seem to be weaker are indispensable..." - 1 Corinthians 12:22
Disability Resources
Don't know where to start as you navigate caring for someone with a disability? As a church, we desire to walk alongside you and also resource you with disability organizations poised to help you in the journey.