Prayer & Care

"The Lord is close to the brokenhearted and saves those who are crushed in spirit." - Psalm 34:18

Our heartbeat is to help people connect with Jesus in the difficult and defining seasons of life.

Sexual Integrity Ministry

Do you want help pursuing sexual integrity?

Do you need support as you heal from sexual betrayal (someone else’s sin against you)?

Do you have a burden to help others on their journey toward freedom or healing?

Reach out to our Care Ministries Department for confidential guidance and support:

Surviving the Holidays

October 28, 2024 6pm

Are you walking with grief as a companion? Though your situation is unique, you need not walk alone. "Surviving the Holidays" is a one time event meant to help you navigate. It will be followed by a 13-week group beginning November 4th you can also register for if interested..

13-Week Care Group

November 4, 2024 - January 27, 2025 6-8pm

This Monday evening group will help people learn to cope with grief, understand what to expect, and find hope and healing.

Care Ministry


    We know prayer is a powerful tool we've been given as God invites us to lift up each other's needs to Him. Each week as staff, we gather to pray over the requests that you have submitted, and our e-prayer team is standing by to lift up urgent needs in real time. Request Prayer >>


    According to James 5, in our time of need, we ought to call upon the Elders of the church for prayer. Elders are available to pray for you before or after worship services or another time that's convenient for you.

  • Contact Matt Knapp or Brenda Benny to get started with any of these soul care options:


    If you would like to speak with a Pastor, contact the church office (Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm) at 763-434-5995.


    Stephen is a ministry of one-to-one caregiving. This ministry provides one-to-one prayer support and encouragement during a time of crisis, such as grief, loss, divorce, or hospitalization. Stephen Ministry is gender-specific only ( a man will come alongside another man or a woman alongside a woman).


    We know that there are times when a Christian Counselor would benefit you. We draw upon a range of therapists with different areas of specialty. We see the value of psychology and theology woven together, and we can help you in the referral process.


    We offer Christ-centered lay counseling to any adult seeking support free of charge. A licensed therapist provides ongoing supervision and training to our lay counselors.


    Losing a loved one can be one of the most difficult times and it is our privilege to walk alongside people as they grieve. Our Care Ministries can help you with prayer, funeral arrangements, or other needs you may experience. Please contact Matt Knapp.


    Congratulations! If you are planning on getting married, we rejoice with you as you look forward to this momentous day, and hope this season of preparation is a rich experience. Please contact Matt Knapp for more information on our premarital process.


    If you have experienced loss, Grief Share can provide a small group experience for you to find support and encouragement. Grief Share looks at the different stages of loss, how the soul changes through the death of a loved one, and the practical matters of life without that person.


    Divorce Care is a small group experience for those who are going through or are healing from a divorce. This video-based format features real-life stories of people who have been through a divorce. An experienced leader facilitates discussion questions and support conversations.

    VILLAGE 127

    A Monthly Gathering for foster, adoptive, and waiting parents


    Only you can decide whether you want to give AA a try. Those who are in AA come because they finally gave up trying to control their drinking. Attendees are quick to find out that many people suffer from the same feelings of guilt, loneliness, and hopelessness. AA meets on Monday evenings at Constance year-round. You can show up anytime.

  • Whether you feel your relationship is healthy and you are looking to grow together, or whether you are experiencing a season of distance and conflict, the Created for Connection workshop weekend is designed to help you create a deeper connection with your spouse. Led by licensed therapists, the weekend will include a combination of brief presentations, video examples, guided private conversations (with therapist support as needed) and large group processing. This is a small workshop held a few times a year.


    If you would like to speak with a Pastor, contact the church office (Monday-Thursday 9am-4pm) at 763-434-5995.

    Contact Matt Knapp to get started with any of the options below:


    If you or a loved one is hospitalized, there are a variety of ways we can offer support. Contact us so we can determine what would be most helpful during this time.


    If you are homebound or in recovery, we’d love to visit you, pray, and perhaps share communion.


    We have financial counselors who are available to provide assessment and support to families, couples, and individuals at Constance. Our Benevolence Fund can also provide one-time financial help to those in our church that are facing a financial crisis or difficulty.


    Where possible, we love to bless those in crisis with margin by helping with meals, rides, and basic home-related needs.  If you’d like to be part of that, let us know. I WANT TO HELP >>

  • Matt Knapp

    Care Ministries Pastor

  • Brenda Benny

    Care Ministries Associate

  • Rich Patrow

    Senior Care Coordinator