Women’s Ministry

Helping women flourish in their relationship with Jesus within a vibrant and supportive community

A place just for you.

Engage with others, be equipped in your faith, and empowered in ministry! God has created, called, and uniquely gifted women to help people connect with Jesus and flourish in their faith.

Saturday, May 3rd

Ladies 16 and up are invited to a dessert buffet and “cup-filling” night together with author and speaker, Kimberly Stuart! Kimberly’s trademark wit and transparency will help you find the courage to live out your story with grace. She has written 9 books and travels the country to speak, propelled by her passion to tell and live a great story. Kimberly loves to laugh, she'll probably cry, and her goal is to leave your heart full and your mind engaged. This is a great invitational event for all the women in your life. Cost is $15.

Women’s Connect

Second Saturdays of the Month

This monthly multigenerational gathering for women 16+ will encourage you to connect with others as we grow together in faith and love. Enjoy brunch together in a morning set aside just for you. All women are welcome at any time! (Childcare not available, but nursing babies are welcome with mom).

Feb 8 (Galentine’s Special Event), March 8 & April 12

Women's group listening to a speaker talk about faith

1 & 2 Thessalonians

Women’s Bible Study

Mondays starting 1/6 6:30-8pm

This chapter by chapter study is by David Jeremiah. This is an online Zoom study on Monday evenings. Final meeting is March 31st.


Women’s Bible Study

Tuesdays starting 1/14 9:30-11:30am

Study by Brent Hansen. Giving up our right to be offended is one of the most freeing, healthy, relaxing, refreshing, stress-relieving, and encouraging things we can do. It allows us to recognize that people are broken, so we can stop being scandalized by their actions. It enables us to accept people and stop judging them. It creates a way for us to not just love others but to actually like them. Childcare available.

Armor of God

Women’s Bible Study

Tuesdays starting 1/14 9:30-11:30am

Study by Priscilla Shirer. An action plan for putting on your armor and developing a personalized strategy against the enemy. Be strong in the Lord. Childcare available.

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2nd & 4th Thursdays of the Month

Come once or come every time! We’re partnering with MomCo in the new year to encourage one another and grow together while your nursery and preschool children are having fun in our kids’ classrooms. As a mom community, we boldly elevate motherhood, embrace the unexpected & imperfect, know every mom has a place with us, we follow Jesus, and invite others to journey with us.

Jan 9 & 23 // Feb 13 & 27 // March 27* // April 10 & 24 // May 8 & 22
*No MOMS meeting on March 13

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Tot Time

1st & 3rd Thursdays of the Month

Free event for young children through age 5 and their caregiver. Bounce houses, crawling tunnels, riding toys and more! Complimentary coffee and water. No registration needed and great event to invite a friend.

Jan 16 // Feb 6 & 20 // March 6 & 20 // April 3


Mondays and Wednesdays

Join anytime! Revelation Fitness is not your typical fitness class. These classes are designed for ALL fitness levels and provide modifications to suit everyone. There is a place for YOU here. Our desire is to breathe fresh hope into the fitness world and provide a new way for women to meet together, move their bodies, and grow in love for God and community. Get healthy. Be whole. Love others.

Childcare is available for ages 2 months-5 years old. All children must be registered for childcare.

Check Out Current Open Small Groups for Women

  • Julie Dreyer Staff Photo

    Julie Dreyer

    Women’s Ministry Coordinator

  • Angie Janowiec Staff Photo

    Angie Janowiec

    Adult Ministries Admin